Miksy91 : for Make new region, all his youtube tutorial, battle ending, posting all sound number and his document that I download. Mateo : for GS usefull offsets, Intro to Scripting, Event adding tutorial, make Pokémon Ultimate editor(without it, I’ll be hard to make my hackrom), Item editor (really usefull to add new item), any suggestion, and give solution for my problem. Mom : for buying me a laptop, so I can study in school easily and learning about Pokémon Hacking. God : to make me live in Batam, make me smart in school so I got good score, and an important thing is give me a brain. New rival, this time a ninja boy live in Fornes region want to block you to be a Pokémon Master Missingno and Ghost from Pokémon RBY can be catch in here All Pokémon Trainer (include Vice Team) has raise up. Oak to be strong trainer and Giovanni to be 8th Kanto’s gym leader. Pokémon which evolve with trade by item, now you just use the item to your Pokémon to evolve it (ex: Metal coat can be use to Scyther to evolve into Scizor) All 4 Pokémon must be trade to evolve them, now you can evolve them by level New fast vehicle (I change bicycle into NRG-500) a few of New Fakémon (Guilter and Promarco) New hiro and new starter (now, Hiro will have 2 starter Pokémon) In 2001 a boy want to be a Pokémon Master named Graven and live in Treehome Town at Fornes region (West of Kanto)., and new evil team called Vice Team has came to take on Fornes region.,Ĭould he pass all the Elite 4 and beat the Champion?

Then, in 2000 a boy named Ace live in New Bark Town was to be Pokémon Master too., Once upon a time, a boy live in Pallet Town named Ash and he was to be Pokémon Master in 1999, Now, I made a Theme of my hack POKÉMON JOURNEY and this is the 1st version of 4 version on it. Hello guys! This is my second Pokémon version, the first one that I don’t care.,